Pelotonia is right around the corner. We have been supporting the cause and living vicariously through Dr. Jenna Renshaw as her and her husband complete the final weeks of training. Here is the long anticipated update from our Dr./supermom/athlete Jenna Renshaw!
Pelotonia Update!!
Do you feel ready for the race? Do you and your husband compete against each other?!
Yes!! I feel ready! Not sure about my husband….he stills figuring out to make it through a ride without his bottom getting sore!! Sometimes I feel like we try and race up a hill, but those are few and far between!!
What has been the most challenging part of this journey? How many miles have you clocked so far?
Finding time to ride!! We have to get a babysitter for each ride which can get expensive!!! Our longest ride so far has been 32 miles. We try to do two long rides per week.
Are you and your husband close to raising your donation goal?
No!!! Donate to a great cause and help us ride this great race!! We greatly appreciate any support!! Check out our donation site and support a great cause!
Dr. Jenna Renshaw; rider ID #: JR0285
Dr. Alex Renshaw; rider ID#: AR0166
Donation Websites: pelotonia.org/drjennarenshaw
Instagram: @worthingtonhillsdental #drrenshawsjourney
How has this journey changed you personally, mentally, physically, emotionally?
Physically, it has definitely increased are cardiovascular ability. Mentally, you have a lot of time to think on a 2 hour bike ride. However, I tend to think of chores I need to do at home so at least I’m accomplishing that!!
Any advice to others who are training and looking for encouragement?
Just getting out for a ride is the hardest part! After you’re out on the bike, it’s so intoxicating and easy to keep going with that fresh air. Make sure to eat healthy, fuel your body properly, stretch, and get the correct amount of rest. Listen to your body!
How do you fit long rides into your busy schedule with work, two beautiful children, and a husband?
Well, that’s a great question! We have some great babysitters that help us out on early morning rides even on the weekends! We like to get out and ride before our kids wake up so we have the rest of the day to spend with them. My husband has a hectic schedule so that doesn’t help either. But, we somehow manage two long rides a week. My bike trainer and I have also became good friends even though I didn’t want to!!
Are there any parts of your Pelotonia journey that have been unexpected?
Nope! Just waiting for that flat tire!!
Do you take any energy chews or replacement packs during your ride?
Since we have only done a 32 mile ride as our longest ride, we just bring along electrolyte water. We may back a few energy chews for the 50!