5 Best Practices For Healthier Teeth | Magnolia Dental

Everyone wants to have a big pearly white smile, but behind every bright smile is ongoing preventative dental care. The only way to have a bright smile is to have healthy habits. It’s never too late to start creating good dental habits that have lifelong rewards. We’re here to break down everything you need to know about dental hygiene and give you tips and tricks to help. Implementing these 5 best practices for healthier teeth are sure to give you the results you want!

The Risks Of Neglecting Dental Health

You don’t ever want to have bad oral hygiene, it not only affects your dental health, but can also hinder your self esteem. After all, no one wants rotting teeth, bleeding gums, or bad breath! It’s essential to develop good habits, so that amazing smile never fades and your oral hygiene stays intact. Bad oral hygiene could potentially increase your risk of dire dental complications:

  • Cavities
  • Gum disease
  • Bad breath
  • Oral infections
  • Teeth/bone loss

Those are only a few of the risks that come with neglecting your dental health. Not to mention all the money that these trips to the dentist could cost you in the long run.

The gist? Don’t wait until it’s too late, take advantage of these preventative measures to keep your smile glowing! The healthiest smiles start at home with a few easy-to-practice habits.

Oral Care Starts At Home

Don’t just rely on your annual or semi annual visits to the dentist to take care of your teeth, good oral care starts in the four walls of your home. Besides, it’s your day-to-day habits that actually keep your smile white and your gums healthy! Develop a morning and nighttime routine for brushing and flossing twice a day with your family. Make sure you’re brushing your teeth the right way, and remember not to brush aggressively.

How to properly brush your teeth: Use small circular motions, not back and forth sawing motions. Don’t forget to brush your tongue!

Another thing most people forget to do is change their toothbrush. The American Dental Association recommends getting a new toothbrush every 3-4 months. After all, keeping your smile up to par is a team effort. Your dentist can’t work alone – make sure to do your part!

Use Fluoride Toothpaste

Brushing your teeth is obviously the key component to sound oral care, but brushing with just any old toothpaste may be enough.

Brushing with fluoride toothpaste needs to be somewhere in your brushing routine – be it in the morning or at night, or both. While most toothpastes these days do contain fluoride, it’s always good to double check to ensure that your teeth are getting the care that they need. If you’re unsure about which toothpaste you or your children should be using, the Magnolia Dental team is here to help answer any questions you may have!

There was a brief moment in time where pop culture claimed fluoride was harmful for dental health, but that’s actually not true. The benefits of fluoride include:

  • Strengthened enamel
  • Less cavities
  • Prevent the growth of bacteria
  • Reverse signs of early tooth decay

Floss Daily

Flossing is just as important as brushing! It should happen just as often as you brush your teeth – at least two times a day. It’s one of the most important preventative care methods other than brushing. There are nooks and crannies in between your teeth that the brush itself can’t reach, which is where flossing can help. Not practicing healthy flossing habits can cause you to have a buildup of tartar or plaque in between your teeth that can cause bad breath and result in costly dental treatments if left for too long.

There’s also the risk of gum disease to consider. Bacteria buildup may lead to complications that can only be corrected with oral surgery – and you don’t want that. It’s much easier (and cheaper) to pick up that packet of floss twice a day!

Remember To Brush Your Tongue

We have stressed the importance of brushing your teeth, but brushing your tongue is equally necessary. While this might seem like a no-brainer but for some, this step is skipped more often than you’d think. Just like with any oral hygiene practice, there are risks associated with not brushing your tongue:

  • A buildup of bacteria, leading to bad breath
  • Changing the way food tastes
  • Periodontal disease
  • Oral thrush

All in all, remember to brush your tongue for optimal oral health!

Eat Unprocessed Foods and Cut Out Sugar Where Possible

We’ve all heard the saying, “you are what you eat.”

This couldn’t ring more true for dental hygiene. Bad eating habits can sacrifice our dental health. Everyone knows that eating sweet and sticky foods can cause cavities, but not only that, these treats can result in increased bad bacteria and lower your mouth’s PH balance. Acidic drinks can also cause a problem for your teeth so try not to overindulge in alcoholic beverages, coffee, or soda. Instead, swap in these alternatives to satisfy your cravings:

  • Water
  • Grapes
  • Salmon
  • Cauliflower
  • Walnuts
  • And more!

Book Dental Checkups Twice A Year

Lastly, make sure you go to the dentist! Seeing your dentist at least twice a year for a routine cleaning and check in will ensure that you stay on the path of good dental health. Letting a professional clean your teeth every year makes all the difference! As trained professionals, both your dentist and supporting staff can advise you on how to improve your at-home oral care routine.

Prevent Cavities & Gum Disease With Proper At Home Care

Implementing these five small practices into your routine keeps your oral hygiene on point. Brushing and flossing daily, alongside eating better foods, are great first steps to take to get the smile you deserve. There’s no reason to waste money on extra visits to the dentist to correct preventable issues. As long as you form habits that maintain the integrity of your teeth, you’ll be in great shape!

Is It Time To Book A Teeth Cleaning?

Schedule a visit with your local Magnolia Dental! We have offices conveniently located throughout the Greater Columbus Area to make dental care accessible no matter where you might work or live.
